

We can provide a range of consultancy to support you. Please get in touch with your specific needs for us to be able to advise further.

We offer a range of assessments

Barrier to Learning Screening

The Barrier to Learning screening assessment covers a range of areas and is an ideal starting point, should you feel unsure of one’s needs and where to start. It screens in a variety of areas including Literacy, Maths, Phonological processing and working memory, with additional screening to determine whether the pupil is displaying traits of a Specific Learning Difficulty, e.g. dyslexia, dyscalculia and/or dyspraxia. This is not a full diagnostic assessment; however, it will provide a report with full findings and determine the most appropriate recommendations to support the pupil moving forwards, including suitable interventions and signposting to the appropriate professional when screening results recommend this. This screening assessment takes approximately 50 minutes – 1.5 hours.

Barrier To Learning Screening  & (Autism Screening)

The Barrier to Learning with Screening assessment covers all areas of key learning: Literacy, Maths, Working Memory, phonological processing, SPLD (dyslexia/dyscalculia/dyspraxia) trait investigation and additional screening investigation into Autistic tendencies using the Autism screening tool. Additional testing areas cover: Restrictive and repetitive behaviours, social Interaction, social communication, emotional responses, cognitive style and maldaptive speech. This is not a full diagnostic assessment; however, it will provide a report with full findings and determine the most appropriate recommendations to support the pupil moving forwards, including suitable interventions and signposting to the appropriate professional when screening results recommend this. This screening assessment takes approximately 1.5-2 hours.

Barrier To Learning Screening & (ADHD Screening)

The Barrier to Learning with Screening assessment covers all areas of key learning: Literacy, Maths, Working Memory, phonological processing, SPLD (dyslexia/dyscalculia/dyspraxia) trait investigation with an additional screening investigation into ADHD tendencies, through the ADHD Screening tool. This tool explores key areas which fall within the inattention domain and the hyperactivity and impulsivity domain. This is not a full diagnostic assessment; however, it will provide a report with full findings and determine the most appropriate recommendations to support the pupil moving forwards, including suitable interventions and signposting to the appropriate professional when screening results recommend this. This screening assessment takes approximately 1.5-2hours.

Barrier To Learning  & (Auditory Processing Screening)

The Barrier to Learning with Screening assessment covers all areas of key learning: Literacy, Maths, Working Memory, phonological processing, SPLD (dyslexia/dyscalculia/dyspraxia) trait investigation with an additional screening investigation into auditory processing capabilities. The additional auditory screening covers Temporal Order Processing (Auditory, Visual or combined), Fusion Threshold: (Auditory, Visual or combined), Auditory Motor: (Auditory, Visual or combined), Pitch Discrimination, Duration Pattern testing, Directional Hearing,  Pitch Pattern, Noisegap and Crossmodality.  This is not a full diagnostic assessment; however, it will provide a report with full findings and determine the most appropriate recommendations to support the pupil moving forwards, including suitable interventions and signposting to the appropriate professional when screening results recommend this. This screening assessment takes approximately 1.5-2.5 hours

Barrier To Learning  & (Sensory Processing)

The Barrier to Learning with Screening assessment covers all areas of key learning: Literacy, Maths, Working Memory, phonological processing, SPLD (dyslexia/dyscalculia/dyspraxia) trait investigation with an additional screening investigation into sensory processing capabilities. The sensory processing screening investigates balance (vestibular), body awareness (proprioception), sight/vision/smell hyposensitivity. This is not a full diagnostic assessment; however, it will provide a report with full findings and determine the most appropriate recommendations to support the pupil moving forwards, including suitable interventions and signposting to the appropriate professional when screening results recommend this. This screening assessment takes approximately 1.5-2 hours.

Full Dyslexia Diagnostic Assessment

The full dyslexia diagnostic assessment is an extremely comprehensive test of assessments which covers, single word reading, timed non-word sight word reading, reading comprehension, spelling, free writing all areas of phonological processing and working memory. The assessment is administered by our highly experienced dyslexia specialist teachers who hold a PATOSS Practising certificate. This is a full dyslexia diagnostic assessment; therefore, it will confirm whether or not the individual has dyslexia and a full comprehensive dyslexia report. This full diagnostic dyslexia assessment takes approximately 2-3 hours.

Full Dyslexia Diagnostic Assessment

The full dyslexia diagnostic assessment is an extremely comprehensive set of assessments which covers, single word reading, timed non-word sight word reading, reading comprehension, spelling, free writing all areas of phonological processing and working memory. The assessment is administered by our highly experienced dyslexia specialist teachers who hold a PATOSS Practising certificate. This is a full dyslexia diagnostic assessment; therefore, it will confirm whether or not the individual has dyslexia and a full comprehensive dyslexia report. This full diagnostic dyslexia assessment takes approximately 2-3 hours.

Full Dyscalculia Diagnostic Assessment

The full dyscalculia diagnostic assessment is an extremely comprehensive set of assessments which covers all testing areas included in a dyslexia assessment in addition to a thorough investigation into the pupils underlying Maths skills, including dot enumeration, forwards and backwards number counts, numeric capacity, spatial memory and linguistic maths concepts. The assessment is administered by our highly experienced dyscalculia specialist teachers who also hold a PATOSS Practising certificate. This is a full dyscalculia diagnostic assessment; therefore, it will confirm whether or not the individual has dyscalculia and provides a full comprehensive dyscalculia report. This full diagnostic dyscalculia assessment takes approximately 4-5 hours and is usually administered over a minimum of 2 sessions.

Please contact us for current price of services offered.


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